Real Church

Real Church

Author: Mark Fenstermacher
March 19, 2021

Have you noticed those large serving trays of desserts that are on display in the front of some restaurants? Those tasty looking delights are almost always made out of rubber and for display purposes only.

One Monday, when I was taking the church staff in another congregation out for lunch, we were waiting to be seated at an Olive Garden restaurant. The large serving tray of desserts was on display just a few feet away from the hostess’ stand. Taken by a piece of chocolate covered cheesecake, I reached out and touched the top of the dessert with the tip of the index finger of my right hand. Much to my surprise, my finger sank down into the dessert. I pulled my hand back, studied the tip of my index finger, and quietly said, “It’s real.” 

The hostess, just a few feet away from me, was looking at me with arched eyebrows. I’ve never, ever, again reached out to touch any dessert on display no matter how rubbery and fake they appear.

It’s easy for congregations and pastors to settle for going through the motions of church. It’s easy to look like a place of fellowship but settle for the appearance of fellowship. It’s easy to look like a community that cares about the needs down the street and around the world, but when you look at the people hours and money invested the real priority is taking care of ourselves.

What would it look like if First United Methodist Church came out of the pandemic committed to becoming more alive, more Christ-like, more engaged in the adventure of serving others, than ever before?

Late last Fall and in the middle of the Winter, your pastors and staff have been doing their best to listen to the Spirit of the living God as we ask, “What will really matter most to us during the coming year?”

We would like you to join our leaders in praying about the following BIG PRIORITIES for the coming year. If God whispers to you that we are headed in the wrong direction, and these priorities seem wrong, please let us know what we’re missing. If God whispers to you that making these our BIG PRIORITIES could be life-changing for us, for the congregation, for DeKalb County and the world, let us know. Finally, ask God how you might play a key role in what God is about to get started around here because without you it probably won’t happen.

What would happen if we threw ourselves into becoming a congregation where:

  • We know, love and serve Jesus of Nazareth? We would together become a discipleship community ready to help people take their next step with God. DISCIPLESHIP
  • We welcome, know, love and grow with others?  We would not only offer a kind of welcome and hospitality that is unexpected, generous and extravagant BUT we would lean out into our community building relationships with those we do not yet know. CONNECTION
  • We know, love and serve those in need down the street, across North America and around the world? What if we identified the needs around us and became a community engaged in mission in a life-changing, world- transforming way? We would give ourselves away for others in big ways and in ordinary, every-day acts of kindness to those around us. OUTREACH & MISSION

We believe God is calling us to build on the best of our past but come out of the pandemic as a different kind of congregation! God doesn’t want us to lose the lessons we may have learned in the last fourteen months, but to live them out. What would it look like if we were more alive in Christ (each of us on a genuine soul journey with the Teacher), simpler in our programming, better connected with one another, God and our community, and gave ourselves away through acts of kindness and mission as a part of our ordinary, everyday lives?

Not a rubbery kind of religious community that looks good but is just for display, but the real thing - a congregation alive with Christ reaching out to all, welcoming all, serving all and helping people take their next step with God: what about it?


How will you be a part of what God is about to do at Auburn First?

We’re looking forward to seeing you on the 21st and seeing what God is about to do in and through our shared life as the people of Jesus.

Pastor Mark


Invite your friends, co-workers and neighbors to join us for Holy Week & Easter:

Stations of the Cross Video Devotional - watch for this beautiful soul opportunity. Available for you online to use as your holy week devotional on your own schedule.

Palm Sunday -March 28
8:30 & 11 am - Worship Service

Maundy (Holy) Thursday - April 1st
5-6 pm - The Sanctuary will be open for prayer and reflection. Come and go. (Masks please.)
6:30 pm - Worship Service with music, a message and communion.

Good Friday - April 2nd
12-3 pm - The Sanctuary will be  open for prayer and reflection. Come and go. (Masks please.)
5-6 pm - The Sanctuary will be open for prayer and reflection. Come and go. (Masks please.)
6:30 pm - Good Friday Tenebrae Service (a cooperative worship experience with The Gathering and First Presbyterian)

Easter Sunday - April 4th 
8:30, 9:50, & 11 am - Worship Service (each identical in style). Please notice the 3rd service option on Easter Sunday.


First United Methodist Church
1203 E. Seventh Street | Auburn, IN 46706 | 260.925.0885


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