Helped Along

Helped Along

Author: Mark Fenstermacher
January 07, 2022

Worship can be full of surprises. (Which is surprising, in and of itself, since worship patterns seldom vary from week to week.)

You never know when God is going to show up unexpectedly. A dear friend, the late Ted Blosser, once commented that you may plan the service down to the minute, the Chancel Choir may have labored over an anthem that is truly breathtaking, and the preacher may have caught the glory of God in a passage of scripture.

Then, God takes our breath away when an eight-year old sits down to play a piano piece. Or someone who has battled cancer for months, missing their rotation with the ushering teams, walks slowly down the aisle with the offering plate as we stand to sing the “Doxology.” 

We hear the girl play the piano, we see our friend walk slowly down the center aisle, or the light comes through a stained glass window at a certain glorious angle, and we catch our breath. God is in the room in an unmistakable way!

There are holy moments in worship that suddenly happen.

One of those took place two Sundays before Christmas during the Children’s Moment. A little boy was coming forward to the chancel steps, and he was somewhat reluctant. His unsureness was evident as his legs moved forward and his body leaned back. An older cousin, though, held his hand and she gently tugged him along.

I saw that and I smiled.

I saw that and thought of how important it is for all of us to have someone who tugs along towards God when we’re not sure. When we’re not sure about trusting, or the mystery of prayer, or daring to forgive, or risking generosity, or whether or not to saying “Yes” to being a youth counselor or small group leader or member of a mission team, or opening the Bible, someone shows up to take us by the hand and lead us forward to a place where we can encounter God…begin a new life.

Who has been there to lead you forward into a new adventure, a new chapter, when a part of you was hanging back?

As we step into 2022, will you be someone who looks for ways to encourage others to take their next step, to risk the new thing, and to go deeper?

Who has helped you along? (I think of my Grandpa Owen. I think of my Grandma playing hymns on a black, upright piano. I think of a preacher whose sermons caught my attention as a 6th grader, a week at Epworth Forest, a young professor at IU, the writings of Frederick Buechner and the sermons of Fred Craddock, and a mentor by the name of Don. At key moments…each (and many others) took my hand…)

Who will you help along, when they’re not sure, by your prayers, words, example, and courageous soul? Who will you encourage forward when their legs are moving forward but their body is leaning back?


I am blessed to share the Jesus road with you. May God use us in great and good ways to bless this town and world in the year ahead!


  • Join us on Sunday mornings at 8:45 and/or 10:45 for worship (either on-line or in-person). At 8:45 we are in the sanctuary for a classic service we call “Sanctuary.” At 10:45, we are in the fellowship hall for Chapter 2. Chapter 2 is a more informal, modern service. Small groups and Sunday school classes are at 10 a.m., between the services.

  • We are so thankful for the ministry and leadership of Tammy Althouse. While Tammy will continue on our paid staff coordinating the Wednesday night food ministry and our Missions Team, she is stepping back from her work coordinating volunteers and hospitality ministries. Watch for more details about how we move forward in these areas.

  • Be in prayer as some great young adults in our congregation begin their Confirmation journey.

Blessed to serve Christ with you,
Pastor Mark


First United Methodist Church
1203 E. Seventh Street | Auburn, IN 46706 | 260.925.0885


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