Trying New Things

Trying New Things

Author: Mark Fenstermacher
August 27, 2021

The owner of a clothing store in the small town where I went to high school didn’t like change. She didn’t update the styles of clothing she was trying to sell. So when people went into her store, it was like stepping back in time. The store became a kind of “clothes museum.” Eventually, of course, it went out of business. Because people in the 1970’s didn’t want to buy something that was fashionable in the 1950’s.

One of the characteristics of the Jesus movement has always been the willingness to change. Not changing everything all the time, but prayerful, thoughtful, courageous change that almost always was driven by two questions:

“What will help us extend, express and make real in the world the love of God?”

And, “What do people in this time and place need?”

Christians began to worship on Sunday (Easter Day) rather than Friday/Saturday. Christians began to accept uncircumcised Gentiles into the Jesus community. Christians said “yes” to women prophesying and praying in public, and to helping lead the church.

The prophet, in Isaiah 43:19, reports that God is doing a new thing.

We believe God is trying to do a new thing at First United Methodist Church, and this new thing will involve you.

Your prayers, your understanding, your time as a volunteer in Sunday school or for coffee fellowship or for greeting or as a part of the music ministries or as a facilitator/participant in a small group/class, will in a large way determine whether the new thing will flourish and be used by God to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.

What’s happening?

On Sunday, September 12th, our schedule shifts slightly.

  • 8:45 is the start time for Sanctuary. This is what we are calling our more traditional or classic service. It will meet in the sanctuary
  • 10-10:40 will be the start time for our Sunday School/faith fellowship time. We want our Sunday School and small groups to thrive, and so we believe a slightly shorter time will help us build strong teams of loving, faithful, creative workers with children and youth. (You want to hang out a little longer with your friends? You can do that as long as you don’t have children to pick up from their class.)
  • We are going to be offering some new groups for those not yet connected with a small group or Sunday adult class. Watch for more information about those groups in other places! Here is some basic information from Pastor Nikki about what is going to be happening:
  • 10:45 is the start time for Chapter 2. This is what we are calling our more contemporary, informal or modern service. There will be an area for small children in the back of the room. Children who want to will be able to sit on a rug and play or color or  just be with a parent as the service goes on. 
  • Worshippers will be able to sit around tables or in a curved line of chairs. Services may include a brief time of connection and conversation. Chapter 2 will meet in the Fellowship Hall.

These changes aren’t huge or earth-shaking in a lot of hands. In fact, the changes seem—in the overall scheme of things—pretty minor. But they are significant. We know that change is often exciting but rarely easy.

How can you help?

  1. Pray that God will use this new schedule, with these modest changes, to help us serve our congregation and reach the wider community. 
  2. Remember that great, faithful, vital congregations are not preference-driven (“Well, this is what I want...”) but mission/purpose-driven. The first question to ask ourselves isn’t “Is  this best for me?” but “Can this be good for our mission of reaching the world with the grace and truth of God in Christ?” 
  3. Respond when you hear about opportunities to serve. We cannot be who God calls us to be without you.
  4. Invite your friends to join you in worship or for one of our small groups/classes!

The clothing store somehow got stuck in the past and forgot its mission. We, on the other hand, are looking ahead with faith-full anticipation as, on September 12, we offer SANCTUARY at 8:45, classes and faith-building groups at 10, and CHAPTER 2 in the Fellowship Hall at 10:45.

In Christ and for Christ, 
Pastor Mark


First United Methodist Church
1203 E. Seventh Street | Auburn, IN 46706 | 260.925.0885


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