
From time to time, we like to share resources to help you grow in your faith and understanding. We are working to bring a variety of resources to you right here with topics about faith, family, and even tutorials for technology.

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Ways to Grow

For 2023 we have asked for your commitment to grow in one or more of the following ways:

  • Prayers
  • Presence
  • Service
  • Gifts
  • Witness

Pray and meditate upon this focus and search Scriptures that relate to it. Seek reading material that is related to this topic
Ask your small group leader if your next study could be related to this subject. Meet with one of our pastors to discuss resources or actions you might take to grow in this focus. Hold yourself accountable to this decision by telling your spouse, close friend, small group, or pastor and ask them to help you track your progress! We've included a list below that may be helpful to you. We will keep adding to this list throughout the year as more resources become available.


Choose an hour of the day that fits you best and commit to praying and reading the Bible everyday at that time. 

Study the Lexio Divina Method of prayer

Develop a breath prayer

Read Books:

  • Help, Thanks, Wow by Anne Lamott
  • Prayer by Tim Keller

Use Free Apps:

  • Pray As You Go
  • Daily Prayer App


Make in-person worship a priority

Commit to a Small Group

Offer to Usher (also related to service)

Read Books:

  • Liturgy of the Ordinary by Tish Harrison Warren
  • The Walk by Adam Hamilton


If you don’t have one put a budget in place

Work towards a full tithe by increasing your giving by 2%

Commit to a full tithe this year

Speak to your pastoral staff about giving special gifts

Setup an Endowment Gift 

Read Books:

  • Enough by Adam Hamilton
  • Rich Church Poor Church by J. Clif Christopher
  • A Generous Life by David Green with Bill High
  • Generous Life: 28 Days of Devotion by Horizons Stewardship



Take a Spiritual Gifts Inventory and discuss the results with pastoral staff

Find a place to serve at First UMC in areas such as the Wednesday Night meal team, tech team, Children's Sunday School, or the nursery 

Find a service project with Neighborlink of DeKalb or Allen county             


Commit to speaking positively about your church family

Commit to treating others with kindness to show God's love

Reach out to a church member you’ve not seen for sometime

Invite a friend to a church event   

Read Books:

  • Get Their Name by Bob Farr, Doug Anderson and Kay Kotan


Other Resources:

Amplify Media
Contact us for an access code before setting up your Amplify account!

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United Methodist Church


Submit your request by clicking the Request button. Please contact the church office with any questions.


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First United Methodist Church
1203 E. Seventh Street
Auburn, IN 46706

