Children's Ministries

About Children's ministry

At First United Methodist Church, we desire for children to know God personally, love unconditionally, and serve selflessly.

Children need an environment where they can discover Christ’s love for them, their purpose, and how God desires for them to live out this purpose. We strive to create an environment that helps families and encourages children to become more like Christ, loving Him and serving others. We do this through venues such as Sunday School, Children’s Choir, Camp, and other seasonal activities.


Nursery Options:
Birth - Age 4 
Available all morning
Location: Discovery Zone
(Upper Level)
Sunday School Classes:
Ages 3 - 5th grade
Available 9:50am - 10:30am
Location: Discovery Zone
(Upper Level)


Check back for updates on our Wednesday night programming! 

What we believe

We believe in using age-appropriate materials and environments that help create a faith foundation for every child. We have staff and volunteers who are screened and excited to teach your child how to live like Christ. We strive to create opportunities that unite the whole family and assist them, in cooperation with the Holy Spirit, in forming Christlikeness in their children. 

Children's Choir

This ministry has been postponed due to the Covid-19 pandemic.  Check back for updates!

All children ages 4 years - 5th grade are invited to rehearse with us at 10:00am on the first Sunday of each month during the school year from October through May. They will then perform at the beginning of the 10:45 Chapter 2 service that day and for the 8:45 classic service the following week. 

For information, email

Join our email list!

We'll occasionally send you parenting resources as well as updates on what we are learning about in our weekly Sunday School classes to help you bring church home to your family. If you don't have time on Sunday, you can return to it multiple times throughout the week.


First United Methodist Church
1203 E. Seventh Street
Auburn, IN 46706

