Let Them Come to Me

Let Them Come to Me

Author: Mark Fenstermacher
August 13, 2021

Do you remember the time(s) when an adult blessed you as a child? Do you remember when an adult listened to you, spent time with you, or thought your life mattered enough to teach you how to hold a paintbrush, fly rod or handsaw?

One of my best friends in middle school had a mother who couldn’t stand to have me in her house. When I would visit, she would carefully explain that I was to take off my shoes, not touch the walls and not sit on the plastic-covered living room furniture. There was another friend of our family who would respond differently when I would show up: Fern and Bob would ask if I wanted something to eat or drink. They would let me go back to their son’s room (an 11th grader who was an all-state basketball player) and wait for him. Play some of his Johnny Cash records.

One place I was tolerated. The other place I was welcomed.

We’re at the beginning of a new school year, and at First UMC we want to be a community where children are welcomed. We want to be a place where children matter. We want to be a community where adults invest their time and energy in welcoming, teaching, mentoring and loving children/youth from infancy through college.

How can you help? Volunteer for one of our teaching teams for Sunday school. Smile at children and greet them when they are in the building and worship. Give your best financially so we can offer children and their families the very best in life-changing, faith formation opportunities. And, finally, get the COVID vaccine ASAP and wear a mask so we can provide the safest environment possible.

This Sunday we will take time in worship to bless backpacks, and to recognize teachers and school staffs. It’s a good time to decide that we will be known in the community as a congregation of Jesus followers who are, love and value all persons—even the youngest.

Jesus is in the middle of some very heavy teaching when people bring children to Jesus. The disciples view this as an interruption. Besides, why waste time on children when there are adults waiting to hear what the Teacher has to say?

And here is how Matthew 19 reports Jesus’ reaction to the presence of the children:

13-15 (The Message)
One day children were brought to Jesus in the hope that he would lay hands on them and pray over them. The disciples shooed them off. But Jesus intervened: “Let the children alone, don’t prevent them from coming to me. God’s kingdom is made up of people like these.” After laying hands on them, he left.

Join us Sunday at 8:30 or 11 for worship either online or in-person as we praise God, give thanks, pray, sing hymns, explore songs for tough times, bless children and teaching staff, and welcome the children!

It’s a joy to serve Christ with you,
Pastor Mark


First United Methodist Church
1203 E. Seventh Street | Auburn, IN 46706
office@auburnumc.church | 260.925.0885


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